Performances For Kids and Families
Funding assistance is available through Illinois ArtsTour, MO-Tour, and Heartland Arts Fund.
Call or email Beth for information.
Sample Performances
Soaring on Wings of Imagination
Spine Chillers and Funnybone Ticklers
American Folktales and Folksongs
Sunny and Spooky Stories for Spring
Sizzling Summer Tales
Warm Winter Stories for Cold Winter Days
Dogs, Cats, Ghosts and Bananas
Hairy Creatures and Faithful Dogs
Humor, Adventures and Creaturely Features
Humor, Adventures and Ghostly Creatures
Haunting Tales for Strong Hearts
Dragon Slayers: Li Chi & St. George
Pluck, Muck, Laughter and Groans
Myths from Ancient Greece to Modern Graveyards
Around the World Here at Home: Multi-culturalism Within the United States
Heroines and Heroes Across the World
Heroes and Heroines Within Each of Us
The Christmas China Doll
Friends & Foes: A Valentine Celebration
Living the Civil War Era
Spirited Girls and Wonderful Women
Cindermaids and Wonderboys: Cultural Twists on Long-Told Tales
Stories of the Stars and Sky